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Surgery clinics

We offer a range of clinics and services at the surgery. There are some tasks you can do, such as health reviews, using our online forms.

Practice nurse clinics

Special appointments are made with our practice nurse for the following:

  • Menopause and HRT queries – Sister Sally Aitken is trained to discuss this with patients and these appointments can be booked with reception.
  • Diabetes
  • Asthma/chest problems
  • Blood pressure
  • Family planning
  • Dietary advice
  • Minor surgery
  • Lifestyle advice
  • General check-ups
  • Smoking cessation
  • Pre-conceptual advice
  • Cervical screening

Patients aged between 45 and 75 years

Patients in this age group who fit the criteria are invited for a health check with a nurse. This is a 5 year rolling programme and all patients aged between 45 and 74 years will receive an invitation.

Antenatal clinic

The antenatal clinic is run on Friday afternoons every week.

Childhood Immunisations

Childhood immunisations can be booked via appointment with our practice nurses.

Emergency contraception

It is important to consult a doctor or practice nurse as soon as possible (between 8:30am and 6pm). Please call the practice for a same day appointment.

IUCD’s (coils) and implants

These services are available at the surgery. Please make an appointment.

Social prescribing

Social prescribing is a non-medical approach to improve health and wellbeing. Enabling an individual to have more control over their own health, finding ways to improve their circumstances, in a way that suits them.

My name is Karen Price and I have been appointed as the social prescribing link worker for young people in the North Cotswolds.

The service is for young people aged 8 to 24 years, registered with a GP surgery in the North Cotswolds. The service is free and is designed to help anyone who is experiencing issues that are affecting their health and wellbeing. This might involve putting you in touch with groups in the community, local or national services, or linking with individuals with similar experiences. However, it may be that you need time to talk over the issues, then working together, we can formulate a plan to move forward.

If you have an aspect of life that you are unhappy with, and you want to make positive changes, you can make a referral at the number or email address below or speak to your GP surgery.

What will we do?

Through extended conversations, using health coaching tools and motivational interviewing, we can explore what is important to you and what you are passionate about. You may feel that you need support socially, emotionally or practically.

The focus is on you.

Together we can co-produce a plan of action and talk about goal setting and what you would like to achieve. This could be things like seeking support for mental health via counselling, supporting with accessing a group or club, supporting with developing a new hobby, or exploring educational/employment options.

I am not a counsellor or therapist, but I can provide guidance with low level mental health issues like anxiety and low mood.

I may be able to support in other ways too. So, if you feel that Social Prescribing might help you or someone you know, you can complete the referral form below (with their consent). Once we have received the referral, we will aim to make contact within 5 working days and arrange a suitable time for the initial chat. We can meet face to face, deciding on a venue to suit. However, if you prefer, we can use Zoom, Teams, WhatsApp, text, phone call or a combination of them all.

07738 106384


Self referral rorm

Social prescribing link worker leaflet (PDF)

Travel vaccinations

NHS immunisations are offered by the practice, in addition to important travel advice.

Before you travel, it’s important to find out whether you will need vaccinations for the country you’re visiting. The following websites will help you.

Further information

  • for specific country travel advice
  • EHIC to apply for your free European Health Insurance Card


Most patients will be called for routine screening at some point during their lives.

For further information see our screening leaflet (PDF).

Page published: 5 May 2023
Last updated: 28 June 2024